Materi Pembelajaran Komputer Adm Perkantoran (Kelas Reguler/Privat)
1. 🔄 Pengenalan Dasar Komputer
2. 🔄 Microsoft Office Word
3. 🔄 Microsoft Office Excel
4. 🔄 Microsoft Office Powerpoint
5. 🔄 Dasar-dasar Internet
Materi Pembelajaran Komputer Adm Perkantoran (Kelas Reguler/Privat)
1. 🔄 Pengenalan Dasar Komputer
2. 🔄 Microsoft Office Word
3. 🔄 Microsoft Office Excel
4. 🔄 Microsoft Office Powerpoint
5. 🔄 Dasar-dasar Internet
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting has been the industry's.